Who Likes Garbage-Collection?

How CleanTalk Helps Keep Spambots in-check

I receive a fair number of e-mails most days.

Everything was fine with e-mail until not that long ago.

Suddenly, my inbox began exploding with a ton of notifications that spammers were attempting to post comments to our website.


Pretty sure out of all the plug-ins we have installed, there must be a spam filter for comments.

A quick back-and-forth with Hostinger revealed we did not in fact have any anti-spam plug-ins installed.

Hostinger BTW is an absolutely amazing hosting provider (more on this in another post).

The search was on! I felt a bit like we were in a race to get to the finish line of spam-free comments.

Out of all the choices available (there were many), CleanTalk was one of the first I tried.

The thing I liked about CleanTalk at first glance was that they had a very generous trial period.

To me, this is important.

Why not let people try out all the features that they need, before making them commit to a payment?

Within a few days our newly-configured spam filter was reporting hundreds of bogus comments caught.

Very releiving to say the least!

It did not take long to make the decision to go with extended protection for our website.

Now, instead of plowing through hundreds of junk comments I get a nice clean report.

Wayyyyy easier on the eyes if you ask me!

What are your experiences with blocking spam?

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